Wednesday, June 3, 2009
♥ Another day out
Well, it's Wednesday. The real plan was to go out on Monday. But Ray's got sumthing do do, so yeah..
We planned to go Mid to watch movies and hang out. I woke up at 10.30.. Yep 10.30..
Then i straight away go mandi. During my mandi time, CK SMS me telling she's on the way.. I mintak her pick me up at the traffic light at me house.. Of course i faster2 siap then walk to the pick-up point..
I had to run towards her car becos the green light menyala oledi..
Then pik up raymond..
Then go straight to Mid..
By the way, CK is driving like she always do.. PANTAS DAN GARANG
Waliaowey, CK tamaw kalah cari parking.. Hansap tamau parking jauh sikit.. Mau parking dekat2 sbb scared nnt jadi lagi kurus..XD
We bought tickets for Pemusnah : Pembebasan (Terminator : Salvation) at 1.30pm. The q was long enuff wich is typical for Wednesday movie, cheap tickets.. My stomach sudah 3 kali missed call suruh isi tank..
So i bought Nasi Goreng Sweet & Sour from the Thai Corner (which remids me of Gurung..)

Ray n Fung got themselves some mee from Penang stall while CK is continuing her 'diet' with food from Vegetarian corner. Makan time!

We got some time to kill after meal. So we went to Pet's Wonderland. Oh gosh those cute animals! Especially those hamsters. They look like a squishy ball of bak kut teh waiting for my big hand to squeeze them and throw them bcos they r so darn cute! I saw a phyton in a box but those who want to buy it must have a license to rear exotic animals.. And then I saw the most fearsome monster that have ever walked on this planet.. I saw The Squirrel!! (I'm copying Octavius's line from Night At The Museum 2) They don't have many cats which i expected them to.. Bummer.. I was hoping to see an exotic cat..
Anyway, it's about 1.30 oledi so we get ourselves some porn.. I'm sorry, popporn.. My mistake, popcorn then go into house 2.. We took some snaps while waiting for the commercial to start.. Yeah, COMMERCIAL.. That darn movie almost took about 20 minutes to start plus the commercials!!

Great movie by the way.. I saw it 2 times oledi.. Spoil am I? Whenever CK want to watch new movie, I dah tengok... Huhuhuhuhuhu...
Then we head downstairs for our next meal.. The Big Apple!

3 piece per person. The doughnuts was nice bcos they didn't use too much flour like Dunkin Doughnuts. And they also have varieties on their doughnuts.. The Alien, Chocolate, Duran Duran etc.. Then come eating time!

We went home around 5pm which is still early. We thought it'll be jam during this time. It took us barely 15 minutes just to go to raymond's house from midvalley.. Shud have gone home at 6 sumthing...
Anyway, u think my day's over? Not just yet.. I got home yes, but i just went for a nap. Then, my father asked me to drive them to Midvalley.. Yes ppl, MidValley.. So I just ikut je lah..
My day isn't over yet because I HAVE COME BAACCKK TOO MID!!*
Perhaps u didn't hear me quite clearly, I went to Midvalley earlier with CK, Raymond and Fung and spend 6 hours there then go home, but now I HAVE COME BAACKKK TO MID!!
Yes, i do need a rest. But i just took a nap and now I HAVE COME BACCKK TO.. nevermind.. Just want to tell u about my whole day..
hehehehehe!! chheeeriooo!
*( I used Kahmunrah's line)
We planned to go Mid to watch movies and hang out. I woke up at 10.30.. Yep 10.30..
Then i straight away go mandi. During my mandi time, CK SMS me telling she's on the way.. I mintak her pick me up at the traffic light at me house.. Of course i faster2 siap then walk to the pick-up point..
I had to run towards her car becos the green light menyala oledi..
Then pik up raymond..
Then go straight to Mid..
By the way, CK is driving like she always do.. PANTAS DAN GARANG
Waliaowey, CK tamaw kalah cari parking.. Hansap tamau parking jauh sikit.. Mau parking dekat2 sbb scared nnt jadi lagi kurus..XD
We bought tickets for Pemusnah : Pembebasan (Terminator : Salvation) at 1.30pm. The q was long enuff wich is typical for Wednesday movie, cheap tickets.. My stomach sudah 3 kali missed call suruh isi tank..
So i bought Nasi Goreng Sweet & Sour from the Thai Corner (which remids me of Gurung..)
Ray n Fung got themselves some mee from Penang stall while CK is continuing her 'diet' with food from Vegetarian corner. Makan time!
Yes, I'm hungry!
He's on a diet
We got some time to kill after meal. So we went to Pet's Wonderland. Oh gosh those cute animals! Especially those hamsters. They look like a squishy ball of bak kut teh waiting for my big hand to squeeze them and throw them bcos they r so darn cute! I saw a phyton in a box but those who want to buy it must have a license to rear exotic animals.. And then I saw the most fearsome monster that have ever walked on this planet.. I saw The Squirrel!! (I'm copying Octavius's line from Night At The Museum 2) They don't have many cats which i expected them to.. Bummer.. I was hoping to see an exotic cat..
Anyway, it's about 1.30 oledi so we get ourselves some porn.. I'm sorry, popporn.. My mistake, popcorn then go into house 2.. We took some snaps while waiting for the commercial to start.. Yeah, COMMERCIAL.. That darn movie almost took about 20 minutes to start plus the commercials!!
Sharing is caring
Yeah, u can have ONE!
It's not what it looks like..
OMG! Arnold is naked!
Great movie by the way.. I saw it 2 times oledi.. Spoil am I? Whenever CK want to watch new movie, I dah tengok... Huhuhuhuhuhu...
Then we head downstairs for our next meal.. The Big Apple!
3 piece per person. The doughnuts was nice bcos they didn't use too much flour like Dunkin Doughnuts. And they also have varieties on their doughnuts.. The Alien, Chocolate, Duran Duran etc.. Then come eating time!
If u have a sharp eye, u'll notice that i finished my doughnut while they r still munching theirs.
Urhh.. When did CK snap this?
That's it eat more! We want the chubbier raymond!
Baby Yap..
We went home around 5pm which is still early. We thought it'll be jam during this time. It took us barely 15 minutes just to go to raymond's house from midvalley.. Shud have gone home at 6 sumthing...
Anyway, u think my day's over? Not just yet.. I got home yes, but i just went for a nap. Then, my father asked me to drive them to Midvalley.. Yes ppl, MidValley.. So I just ikut je lah..
My day isn't over yet because I HAVE COME BAACCKK TOO MID!!*
Perhaps u didn't hear me quite clearly, I went to Midvalley earlier with CK, Raymond and Fung and spend 6 hours there then go home, but now I HAVE COME BAACKKK TO MID!!
Yes, i do need a rest. But i just took a nap and now I HAVE COME BACCKK TO.. nevermind.. Just want to tell u about my whole day..
hehehehehe!! chheeeriooo!
*( I used Kahmunrah's line)
8:53 AM